Bring On the Bad Guys: Ten Spider-Man villain stories

There aren't too many superheroes who have as unique, strange and intimate a rouges gallery as your "Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man". This week, Dave and Eric travel down the spindly web of Spider tales specifically centred around some of their favourite villains and villainous motivations. Of course, these gents love to throw a curveball your way... Continue Reading →

The Spot Reading Order: Jonathon Ohnn (1984-present)

When the Kingpin tasks scientist Dr Johnathon Ohnn with emulating Cloak's powers, he gains the ability to tap into the Spotted Dimension and use wormholes as weapons. As the Spot, Ohnn's criminal career is sporadic, with the character veering from laughing stock to homicidal nightmare. Must Reads: Story arcs marked with a ✔ are must-read stories... Continue Reading →

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